The Bad Boy Rep I got, could hardly come from my master, cause I'm really just a big baby in a mean doggies body and they know it. I even found this survey on my behalf that goes to show its not me who to blame, its you humans. Read this!
Taken in abstract, from a "prospective survey" of dog attacks on children that was conducted by pediatricians and nurses in a hospital emergency room setting, and the results published in the European Journal of Pediatrics (2003), by authors Kahn, Bauche and Lamoureux, reported that:
Out of the 100 victims, 65 were bitten at home, and 35 in a public place. The bit accidents that occurred at home concerned children with a median age of 5 years, who were without adult supervision at the time of the accident. The children who were bitten by dogs in public places had a median age of 9 years. For 77 bites, the dog was not familiar to the child. Based on history, it appeared that 56 out of 65 accidents at home and 11 out of 35 in public places resulted mainly from the children's or adults behavior. The findings in this survey support that there was a lack of adult supervision amoung the majority of children bitten in their study. So you see I got my bad boy rep because you big folks don't watch your kids, and you probably haven't taught them how to behave around dogs. Its so important to watch your kids, and tell them not to poke, pull or tease dogs.